To Honor the citizens of Burnham who Served In WWI

Houston, Everett
Houston, Ivor
Hunt, Boyce
McNelly, Leon
Mitchell, Elmer

To Honor Citizens of Burnham Who Served in WWII

Bickford, Paul
Bickford, Robert
Bickford, Russell
Braley, Donald
Brown, Willis
Burke, Clifton
Chadwick, Floyd
Chadwick, Lyle
Chase, Dana S.
Chase, Nathan R.
Cookson, Clarence
Cookson, Lynwood
Doherty, Clifford
Doherty, Vaughn
Dunton, Roscoe W.
Duplissea, Alvan
Elkins, Harold S.
Fletcher, Carlton
Fletcher, Kenneth
Flood, Mellie
Fowler, Glyndon
Fowler, Stanley
Hathorn, Vincent
Holt, Kenneth
Holt, Maurice A.
Houston, Everett Jr.
Huff, Albert
Huff, Virginia M.
Hunt, Dorothy
Hunt, Robert W.
Ingersoll, Maurice
Johnston, Bradford
Kenney, Ernest
Lasselle, Avon
Lasselle,Borden E.
Lester, Russell G.
McAllister, Hugh Jr.(Killed in action)
Meservey, Joseph L.
Miles, Andrew
Miles, Ernest
Miles, Lyle A.
Miles, Ralph Jr.
Mitchell, Alba Jr.
Mitchell, Charles W.
Mitchell, Robert L.
Morrell, Frederick
Mosher, Donald
Patterson, Claude
Patterson, Edmund
Patterson, Edward
Patterson, James
Perkins, Keith
Rines, Forrest S.
Rines, Wallace
Sanborn, John B.
Shakespeare, Percy E.
Sidelinger, Fanny
Sidelinger, William
Small, Philip
Small, Shirley
Starbird, Leroy
Stoddard, Walter
Sullivan, Martin
Susi, John D.
Vigneault, Burleigh
Wells, Alton A.
Young, Lloyd